
Having fun in 50mm

You know how it is, you're looking at somebody else's photograph and you're wondering how the hell they took it. Not that gear makes a shred of difference with regards to artistic talent, but, from a technical stand point, the depth of field is spot on and complementary, the creaminess of the bokeh is so nice. So what lens? What aperture? Doesn't take long before you conclude that it's a 1.4 prime of course, one that you don't have. Ok, now lets see how much I can get one for. Between one and two thousand dollars! Ok sure, why not...but wait. Maybe before I get this 35mm 1.4, I must ask myself is it really going to be worth the money. Of course it is, but still, I better not. Then I remember I have an old 50mm 1.4. Haven't used it in forever because I've been a fool. Lets give it a spin and see what happens. The conclusion....hell yeah, this is a mighty sweet piece of glass.

Mat Lo Photography Cat and Pie 2
Mat Lo Photography Pie